These are just a few of the swimming-focused requirements your Scouts can complete with their family at the local swimming pool or other swimming area. There are other requirements in each of these adventures that are more discussion and "out-of-the-water" based as well, so be sure to check those out!
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats Requirement 3: Show how to safely help someone who needs assistance in the water, without having to enter the water yourself.
Tiger Elective Adventure, Floats and Boats, Requirement 4: Show how to enter the water safely, blow your breath out under the water, and do a prone glide.
Wolf Elective Adventure, Spirit of the Water, Requirement 4: Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Wolf Elective Adventure, Spirit of the Water, Requirement 5: Visit a local pool or public swimming area with your family or Wolf den. With qualified supervision, jump into water that is at least chest-high, and swim 25 feet or more.
Bear Elective Adventure, Salmon Run, Requirement 2: Visit a local pool or swimming area with your den or family. Go swimming or take a swimming lesson.
Bear Elective Adventure, Salmon Run, Requirement 7: Demonstrate the front crawl swim stroke to your den or family.
Webelos Elective Adventure, Aquanaut, Requirement 5: Demonstrate the precautions you must take before attempting to dive headfirst into the water, and attempt a front surface dive.
Webelos Elective Adventure, Aquanaut, Requirement 6: Learn and demonstrate two of the following strokes: crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, or elementary backstroke.