Pack 888 is thrilled that your child is interested becoming a cub scout and joining our pack family!

As a parent or guardian, you want your child to grow up to be responsible, involved, vibrant leaders in their communities.  Scouting has these same goals for your child, and aims to develop character, citizenship, personal fitness, and leadership.

Since 1910 Scouting has been weaving lifetime values into fun and educational activities designed to help families teach their child how to make good decisions throughout their lives and give them confidence as they become the adult leaders of tomorrow.

In a society where your child is often taught that winning is everything, Cub Scouting teaches your child to do their best, and to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. 

How can I join Pack 888?

It's easy!  If you're ready to join Pack 888 today or are just interested in learning more, you and apply or reach out to our Pack leadership via  You can also email our Membership Chair directly at  

To register:

  1. Fill out an electronic application and pay the BSA fees online. The membership term runs from January to December. If you are joining mid-cycle, dues are prorated.

    Registration ensures insurance for all participants. BSA registration fees that we collect go to BSA. Pack dues stay with us and cover some of the costs to run the pack. New Members have a $25 one time BSA joining fee. Here's the cost breakdown for a full calendar year:

                            BSA Registration Fee    $80
                            National Capital Area Council Activity Fee $80
                            Pack Dues                     $75
Scout Life Magazine $15 (optional)
                            Total Dues                      $235

  1. Once registered, the Membership chair will contact you and introduce you to your child's den leader.

  2.  Purchase your scout a scouting uniform. You can find uniforms at the Scout Shops. A large variety of scout products are also available online at the National Scout Shop website.
  • Lions (Kindergarteners) need a Lion shirt, Lion hat, Lion neckerchief, and Lion neckerchief slide. 
  • Tigers (1st Graders) need a blue uniform shirt, den patch, belt, Tiger hat, Tiger neckerchief, and Tiger neckerchief slide.
  • Wolves (2nd Graders) need a blue uniform shirt, den patch, belt, Wolf hat, Wolf neckerchief, and Wolf neckerchief slide.
  • Bears (3rd Graders) need a blue uniform shirt, den patch, belt, Bear hat, Bear neckerchief, and Bear neckerchief slide.
  • Webelos (4th Graders) need a khaki uniform shirt, den patch, belt, Webelos hat, Webelos neckerchief, and Webelos neckerchief slide.
  • Arrow Of Light Scouts (5th Graders) need a khaki uniform shirt, den patch, belt, Webelos hat, Webelos neckerchief, and Webelos neckerchief slide. 
The Pack provides the Pack 888 patch and initial Pack 888 T-Shirt. Lions will receive a Pack 888 patch and Pack 888 T-Shirt when they become a Tiger. 


Frequently Asked Questions



How old (or young) can a child be to join Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is for any child in Kindergarten through 5th grade (age 5 to 11 years old). Children who are older than 11, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the BSA Troops or Venturing programs.


How can I become an adult volunteer in Cub Scouting?

All parents are encouraged to get involved with the Pack, whether in leadership or activity coordination roles.  Express your interest to the pack leaders—the Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Chartered Organization Representative, or members of the pack committee. While there’s no guarantee that a specific role or position will be available there is always some way in which you can contribute, and the Scouts will be grateful for your service. 


What training is available for an adult volunteer?

Every Cub Scout deserves a trained leader!  The Boy Scouts of America offer a wide range of online and in-person training.  As a Pack we believe in cultivating strong leadership and Scouting skills among our adult volunteers.  An overview of required and optional training is available on our Adult Volunteer Training page.


What is the cost to join Cub Scouts?

Pack 888’s membership fee for 2023 is $150. The fee covers 12 issues of Scout Life magazine, council registration, insurance, awards, handbook, program activities & much more! Parents are encouraged to make a tax deductible donation to our council via annual Friends of Scouting campaign to support summer camps and other program expenses.  Pack 888 keeps costs low with our once a year fundraiser of POPCORN SALES! 


Must I be a U.S. citizen to join Cub Scouting?

Citizenship is not required of youth or adult members. The World Organization of the Scout Movement provides contact information for all national Scouting organizations on its Web site at



Are Cub Scouts the same as BSA Scouts?

Cub Scouting is a program of the Scouts BSA—so in that sense, Cub Scouts and Scout BSA are both members of the same organization.  However, they are entirely different programs: 

  • Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger scouts.
  • BSA Scouting is designed to achieve the aims of Scouting through a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster.


How often do Cub Scouts meet?

Cub Scouts meet in their dens one to two times each month, and a pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month. A den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum, etc. (we refer to these outings as “Go See It”) and may be in place of the monthly meeting or in addition to the monthly meetings. Likewise, Pack 888 substitutes our Pinewood Derby instead of a pack meeting in February.


May parents attend den meetings?

YES! At Tiger level, parental attendance at den meetings is required by BSA. Cub Scout den meetings are intended to be an activity for the individual scouts. Additional parental involvement is encouraged and appreciated (for example, hosting or planning a den meeting or activity, volunteering to help with a Pack function or event).


What is Scout Summer Camp?

Cub Scouting offers both day and overnight summer camps. Both types of camps offer achievements that can only be accomplished at camp, such as archery and BB shooting. Overnight camps offer a memorable experience and camaraderie for older Webelos Scouts. Cub Scout Day Camp is a five-day, value oriented camp located near Fort Belvoir.  Six-night Webelos camp at Goshen Scout Reservation is located on 4,000+ acres with a 450-acre lake in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. Summer Camp is what keeps Scouts excited about Cub Scouting!



What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in Cub Scouting?

At minimum, each Cub Scout will need a uniform and a handbook. The uniform consists of a hat (color dependent on program), blue shirt (short-sleeved is recommended), blue belt, neckerchief, and neckerchief slide. The shirt and belt remains the same for the first three years (hint: buy a little large to wear for three years). When a scout enters a Webelos den, they will need to obtain the khaki and forest green uniform. Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities such as camping trips or field days.


Where can I purchase the Cub Scout uniform?

Purchase BSA complete uniforms, badges, literature, program materials, camping equipment, crafts, kits, and other Scouting merchandise through the local council in Rockville, Northern Virginia Scout Shop, and other licensed distributors. Or order online directly from the National Scout Shop

The Northern Virginia Scout Shop (703-321-4836) is located at 5234 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA 22151. Take I-495 inner loop to exit 54A,Braddock Rd West. Turn left at the first light onto Port Royal Rd. The Scout Shop is in the far corner of Ravensworth Shopping Ctr.

Robcyns Store (703-379-7800) located in the Bradley Shopping Ctr at 3660 King St, Alexandria, VA 22302 and they are a licensed distributor and carry limited inventory of uniforms, badges and handbooks.


How can I save money on the cost of uniforms and equipment?

Pack 888 may provide assistance to families. Pack 888 supplies scout rank-specific handbooks that the Cub Scout rank requires each year.



What are Ranks/Badges?

The scouts are placed in Ranks by grade or age.

  • Lion = Kindergarten (lion shirt & hat) 
  • Tiger = 1st Grade (orange neckerchief & hat with blue uniform)
  • Wolf = 2nd Grade (red neckerchief & hat with blue uniform)
  • Bear = 3rd Grade (blue neckerchief & hat with blue uniform)
  • Webelos I = 4th Grade (plaid neckerchief & hat with blue or tan uniform)
  • Arrow of Light = 5th Grade (plaid neckerchief & hat with tan uniform)
  • BSA Troop = 6th Grade

If a scout joins a Bear den, may they go back and earn the Tiger Cub and Wolf badges?

NO. In the Cub Scout program, all scouts in a den work toward the same badge. If a child joins Cub Scouting as a 9-year-old, scouts must earn the Bobcat badge (all scouts in Cub Scouting earn this badge), then they will begin working on the Bear badge with their fellow Cub Scouts. The scout is not required to have earned the Tiger Cub or Wolf badges. Since those badges are for younger scouts (7- and 8-year-olds), the requirements for those badges are below a 9-year-old’s current level of ability, so “going back” to pick up those badges is not permitted.

Cub Scout Pack 15

If a scout completes the Wolf badge early, may they begin working on the Bear badge?

NO. In the Cub Scout program, all scouts in a den work toward a badge that is geared to their level of development. If the Wolf badge is completed before the end of the program year, a scout may work on electives to earn Arrow Points, but they may not begin working on the requirements for the Bear badge.  The scout's work on the Bear badge will begin the next program year, when they graduate into a Bear den.


When a Cub Scout earns the Arrow of Light, may the scout immediately join a BSA Troop?

BSA is available to scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light and are at least ten years old—so a Webelos Scout who has earned the Arrow of Light is eligible to join a troop immediately (provided the scout is at least ten years old).  However, Pack 888 coordinates with local BSA troops to facilitate the transition from Cub Scouting to BSA Scouting. 

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